
Rashid Zubairi

A high-spirited man with an exceptional story. Take a close look as to how Bioniks prosthetics play a vital role in the lives of people belonging to different walks of life.

Mr. Rashid was born without the privileged of his right arm. However, being determined and resilient by nature, he never allowed himself to believe that this would ever prevent him from achieving the goals he had set in life. He enrolled in a BBA degree program and later went to the UK for his Masters. Throughout this time, sports like swimming and cricket played an integral role in his life which was clear from the fact that he remained the opening batsman of his college’s cricket team throughout this time.

In 2012, he got his first prosthetic arm which helped him in his daily routine. However, that arm was mechanically controlled with a harness around the shoulder. It weighed about 1.5 kilos and was mainly controlled by shoulder movement. In 2016, he saw Bayyan’s Story in a newspaper and instantly got in-touch with Bioniks for a more advanced form of upper limb prosthesis. Being the high-spirited and jovial person he is, he asked for a metallic black colored stylish prosthetic – making a clear statement that he takes on what nature has presented him with full pride.

Currently, the arm Bioniks has provided him with a prosthetic that is almost weightless and is sensor controlled. It means that sensors read the brain-waves transmitted to muscles in upper arm and gives the user precise control of arm and fingers. To sum the story up in his own word, “A thoroughly enjoyable experience was putting on my Bioniks arm!”.


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